Empowering Progress: How Frontline Employee-Interactions Affect Patient Adherence in Mental Health Care
As mental illnesses surge globally, improving the state of care for mentally disordered and disabled patients is critical. Frontline employees significantly shape care interactions, impacting patient outcomes. However, research on service interactions with these vulnerable individuals remains scarce, emphasizing the need for understanding how different types of interactions impact patient adherence, i.e., the extent to which patients’ behaviors align with recommendations by the healthcare provider. This study investigates frontline employee interactions’ influence on patient adherence in mental health care, utilizing data from 97 patients over 12 months from a large hospital chain. Hazard regressions reveal nuanced effects, highlighting varied impacts of interaction types on adherence. These findings enhance our understanding of frontline interactions, informing care strategies and their impact on patients. The study emphasizes a need for tailored approaches to ensure progress in mental health care. A comprehensive understanding of frontline interactions is crucial for empowering patient well-being.