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2021 Steenkamp Award of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) for Long-Term Impact for UoC Researcher

Professor Werner Reinartz and co-authors have been awarded the “2021 Jan-Benedict Steenkamp Award for Long-Term Impact”. The award is given annually to papers published in IJRM that are judged to have made a long-term impact on the field of marketing. The prize-winning publication is:

“An empirical comparison of the efficacy of covariance-based and variance-based SEM” IJRM (2009), Vol 26 (4), 332-344, coauthored by Werner Reinartz (University of Cologne, Germany), Michael Haenlein (ESCP Business School, France), and Jörg Henseler (University of Twente, The Netherlands).

The award committee states that “This paper led by a clear margin by receiving the most votes of the IJRM Editorial Board and was approved unanimously by the award committee. In addition, the evidence of its impact is highlighted by 1039 Web of Science and 2320 Google Scholar citations, which makes it the best cited paper among all the initial round award nominees and shows its consistent use by scholars”.