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Dr. Boas Bamberger

Research Interests

  • B2B marketing and sales
  • Entrepreneurial marketing
  • Upper echelons and C-level

Curriculum Vitae

Boas Bamberger has been a post-doctoral researcher at the Chair of Retailing and Customer Management since 2024. Before joining the Marketing Area, he received his doctoral degree from the University of Mannheim. His dissertation earned several research awards, including the 2022 Wolfgang Ritter Prize, Südwestmetall Prize, Bojanovsky Foundation Prize, and the University of Mannheim’s Marketing Foundation Prize.
In his research, Boas relates to three core marketing domains: B2B marketing and sales, upper echelons impact on marketing, and entrepreneurial marketing. He focuses on managerially relevant research questions and works closely with partner companies from various industries. His work is regularly presented at academic marketing conferences. It has won awards like the GSSI 2021 Conference Best Paper Award and was published in the top-tier Journal of Marketing.
Boas’ professional journey extends beyond academia. He has successfully founded and led two tech start-ups, secured venture capital, and earned multiple innovation awards. He also served as a senior strategist in the CEO unit of various corporates. His industry experience spans healthcare, pharmaceuticals, wholesales, insurance, automotive, advertising, and IT.


External Responsibilities:

  • Selection committee member at the German Academic Scholarship Foundation for graduate students (since 2020)

Teaching Responsibilities:

  • Supervision of Bachelor and Master Thesis
  • Mastercourse CEMS Case Studies in Marketing (Summerterm 2024) 
  • Mastsercourse Customer Manaagement (Winterterm 2024)