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Big brands in dire straits

Kettler, Loewe, Gerry Weber: these are big brands facing major trouble. This article in the German business weekly Wirtschaftswoche lists the six rules that established brands need to obey to keep going for generations – along with the opinion of Prof. Werner Reinartz [Diese sechs Dinge müssen Traditionsmarken beachten; Wirtschaftswoche, 46, 31.10.2019 – German language] . Kettler, Loewe, Gerry Weber: these are big brands facing major trouble. This article in the German business weekly Wirtschaftswoche lists the six rules that established brands need to obey to keep going for generations – along with the opinion of Prof. Werner Reinartz [Diese sechs Dinge müssen Traditionsmarken beachten; Wirtschaftswoche, 46, 31.10.2019 – German language] .