Sustainable Consumer Behavior and Marketing Anlytics
Instructor: Kristina Viets
Dates, time and room: see KLIPS
Before registering, please make sure that you can attend at all course dates. Attendance at the kick-off session as well as during presentation is mandatory to pass the course.
IMPORTANT: Please note that participants admitted to the Bachelor seminar must register for the exam in Klips. We will inform you of the binding registration / deregistration deadline for the examination in good time as soon as it has been approved by the examination office. Failure or delay in exam registration will result in exclusion from the course.
The objective is to impart in-depth knowledge of current issues in empirical marketing research on topics within sustainable consumer behaviour and marketing analytics. The aim is to introduce students in particular to empirical research work from international journals. Furthermore, students will be prepared for the requirements of a Bachelor's thesis by writing a scientific term paper. Finally, the seminar serves to further develop communication skills. In addition to a presentation, we consider active participation in the event and a lively exchange of information with each other to be important prerequisites for training these skills.
The seminar is intended to introduce the participating students to some current key topics in sustainable consumer behaviour and in the field of marketing analytics. We expect seminar participants to be interested in working on marketing-specific topics, to be highly motivated and to be willing to work well in a team.
Course language: German. Further information see syllabus (in KLIPS).
The examination consists of two parts:
• Academic paper on a specific topic (seminar thesis),
• Presentation and discussion of an empirical research article.
Die Prüfungsleistung besteht aus zwei Teilen:
• Wissenschaftliche Arbeit über ein bestimmtes Thema (Seminararbeit),
• Präsentation und Diskussion einer wissenschaftlichen Studie.
Studenten erhalten eine Gesamtnote basierend auf der Seminararbeit, der Präsentation und der Beteiligung an der Diskussion.
Learning Objectives
Deeper understanding of a specific topic within the module group/major Marketing,
Preparation for the requirements of a bachelor thesis,
Development of basic skills to write an academic paper,
Critical assessment of academic literature,
Ability to discuss scientific topics,
Communication and presentation in management-oriented communication situations.