Digital Transformation of Marketing and Society
Instructor: Jan-Niklas Hartmann
Dates, time and room: see KLIPS
Before registering, please make sure that you can attend at all course dates. Attendance at the kick-off session as well as during presentation is mandatory to pass the course.
IMPORTANT: Please note that participants admitted to the Bachelor seminar must register for the exam in Klips. We will inform you of the binding registration / deregistration deadline for the examination in good time as soon as it has been approved by the examination office. Failure or delay in exam registration will result in exclusion from the course.
Markets and society are changing faster than ever. Consumers are increasingly demanding more sustainable options and prompting businesses to respond accordingly. At the same time the ongoing digital transformation is bringing about radically new technologies like augmented reality and AI. These changes allow for business solutions that were unthinkable a few years ago. Together these transformations effect on the way we learn, shop, communicate, run businesses and generally live our lives.
The goal of this seminar is to introduce students to a scientific way of thinking and approaching problems. In particular, students should develop a critical eye to assess results from research published in international journals. This training should prepare students for writing a bachelor thesis.
Substantively, this seminar will introduce students to current topics in consumer and marketing research on the transformation of marketing and society with consequences for firms, consumers, and society at large. The specific seminar topics will be announced to all participants before the kick-off and can for instance include the fields of sustainability, corporate responsibility, data privacy, the role of AI for consumer markets and production or the sharing economy.