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CEMS Case Studies in Marketing

14266.0004 Course

Instructors: Dr. Boas Bamberger

Dates, Times & Location: see Klips

Course Structure
The course “Case Studies in Marketing” consists of only three sessions. It is highly recommended to attend all of them.
Language: English

All meetings need to be attended 
Required Preparation: Please read and prepare the cases in advance – this is absolutely critical

Case Studies



The grade will be based on two presentations and the respective reports.

  • Case Solution Presentation
  • Case Solution Report
  • Own Case Presentation
  • Own Case Report 

Die Prüfungsleistung umfasst zwei Präsentationen und zwei schriftliche Ausführungen.

  • Präsentation der Lösung der Fallstudie
  • Schriftliche Ausführung der Lösung der Fallstudie
  • Eigene Präsentation der Fallstudie
  • Eigene schriftliche Ausführung der Fallstudie


Content & Learning Objectives

Course Description

This CEMS course introduces students to case study analysis. Case studies are stories that present a complex problem of the real world. This case study course will focus on business cases in the field of strategic marketing.

The course comprises three sessions:

-At our first meeting, students will learn how to approach and solve case studies. In addition, we will practice case study analysis on a first common case study. In all sessions, students will work in small groups of five members each.

-The second session will provide students with the opportunity to present a case study solution themselves for an assigned case that they prepared and analyzed in advance. The case analysis should be based on prior knowledge that students gained a) in the first session and b) in prior courses.

-For the third session, students are asked to write their own case studies that they will then present. The topics of the own case studies will be assigned at the end of the first session. We will provide the initial material/information for the cases but students are strongly encouraged to draw further material from their own experiences, current events, historical sources, the internet etc. The case studies should tell an engaging story that encourages thinking.

Course Objectives

  • Learn how to critically approach real world business problems using the case methodology
  • Develop and apply business problem solving capabilities
  • Foster their ability to work in a team
  • Learn how to structure and present their viewpoint persuasively

Required Textbook

There is no textbook required. Please make sure to buy the cases early in advance.

Course Requirements

During the course all students are required to

  • Read and prepare all cases (not only the assigned cases) beforehand. This is a mandatory requirement
  • Participate in the discussion 
  • Prepare the presentations and reports in their assigned groups (five students per group) before class. The groups will be randomly assigned at the first class.
  • Present one case solution (class 2) and one written case study (class 3)
  • Hand- in two reports (one for the case study solution and one for the written case study). For the report, students may use the presentations slides. That is, the report should be in PowerPoint format. Students are allowed to adjust the slides for the report. Whereas students might want to use less text and more pictures for the presentation, they may add more text and/or appendix slides for the report. We do not predetermine the number of slides. However, each group should make sure that the report is concise including only the relevant information.
  • During the exercises, Maren Becker will advise the groups. Each group will get one hour per exercise. Please sent Maren Becker your questions and the needed material beforehand.