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Lecture & Practical

 Instructor: Dr. Jens Paschmann
 Date, Time & Room: see KLIPS for lecture and practice


In today's increasingly digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to gain a competitive edge. One powerful avenue for achieving this lies in the realm of digital brand and customer analytics. This lecture provides a comprehensive overview of how data-driven insights can shape and optimize brand strategies while enhancing the overall customer experience.

Participants will gain insights into how data from different sources (e.g., social media, reviews) can be harnessed to measure the achievement of desirable brand management outcomes via variables such as brand awareness and customer satisfaction. Further application contexts are the extraction of brand characteristics with optimization potential from review data, segmenting customers, and enhancing customer loyalty. Both fundamental methods (e.g. survey design, causality) and modern advanced methods (e.g. artificial intelligence, image classification) are covered. In the exercise sessions, participants will learn how to apply this knowledge practically with state-of-the-art analysis tools, using the software R.

Throughout the lecture, attendees will also gain insights into the ethical considerations surrounding digital brand and customer analytics. The discussion will touch upon topics such as data privacy and security, ensuring participants understand the importance of responsible data usage in today's digital marketing landscape.

By the end of this lecture, participants will have a solid foundation in digital brand and customer analytics, equipped with the knowledge and tools to harness data effectively to inform strategic decision-making, enhance brand performance, and create meaningful customer experiences in the digital era.


The examination form is a written exam of 60 minutes.

Examination dates (see KLIPS -> "Prüfungstermine")

Please keep in mind that you need to register for the exam during the given registration period. It is NOT possible to register after the registration period. Note that no responsibility is taken for the correctness of the information. Please refer to the Examination Office for all examination-related questions.

Zum Bestehen der Veranstaltung muss eine schriftliche Prüfung abgelegt werden. Diese Prüfung dauert 60 Minuten.

Prüfungsdaten (siehe: KLIPS -> "Prüfungstermine")

Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie sich nur innerhalb der vorgegebenen Fristen für die Klausur anmelden können. Es ist NICHT möglich, sich nach Ablauf der Frist nachträglich anzumelden. Es wird keine Verantwortung für die Richtigkeit der Informationen übernommen. Bitte informieren Sie sich beim Prüfungsamt über alle klausurbedingten Fragen.

Exam inspection

Exam inspection for both exam dates is scheduled for mid-June 2024. Exact date, location and conditions for applying to the exam inspection can be found here

Prüfungseinsicht für beide Klausurtermine ist einberaumt für Mitte Juni 2024. Das genaue Datum, Ort und Informationen zur Anmeldung finden Sie zu gegebener Zeit hier.