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Applied Retail Analytics

Lecture (14266.0007)

            Instructor: Thomas Scholdra
            Dates, time and room:  please check KLIPS  for lecture and for excercise.

Course Description

The 21st century’s business environment demands more analyses and rigor in marketing decision making than ever before: Marketing managers today are seeing increasingly faster changes in the marketplace and are exposed to an ever growing amount of information. Providing students with the necessary know-how and tools to collect the right information for subsequent analyses, this course sets out to improve participants’ skills to make better marketing plans, better product designs, and better decisions.


  • quantitative modeling techniques in various contexts such as customer management, sales management and channel management
  • application of analysis techniques covered in the lecture via statistical software tools to case studies with real data sets
  • etc.

The pedagogy of the course will entail both conceptual and applied elements. A special focus lies on a clear, accurate and thorough reporting of statistical analyses with a problem-solving orientation in a marketing context.

Course Objectives

The students…

  • learn to transfer relevant information via quantitative analyses into better market strategies, product designs and business decisions.
  • understand the role of statistical techniques and models and their value for an enhanced marketing decision making.
  • become familiar with the practical application of basic functions of advanced statistical software tools to specific marketing problems.

The course exercise is based on case studies that need to be purchased by the students.



The examination consists of a term paper. Please keep in mind that you need to register for the examination within the corresponding registration period. It is NOT possible to register after the registration period. Written exams can be answered either in German or in English. Note that no responsibility is taken for the correctness of the information. Please refer to the Examination Office for all examination-related questions.

Zum Bestehen der Veranstaltung muss eine Seminararbeit angefertigt werden. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie sich nur innerhalb der vorgegebenen Fristen für die Klausur anmelden können. Es ist NICHT möglich, sich nach Ablauf der Frist nachträglich anzumelden. Schriftliche Prüfungen können auf Englisch oder auf Deutsch abgelegt werden. Es wird keine Verantwortung für die Richtigkeit der Informationen übernommen. Bitte informieren Sie sich beim Prüfungsamt über alle klausurbedingten Fragen.